Power-Interest Grid
Stakeholders' power of influence and their interest in the initiative/project/program vary depending on their role and level in the organisation. In communicating and engaging them, we cannot have a one-size-fits-all approach that aims to please everyone with the same level of information.
Stakeholder power-interest grid helps to plot the stakeholders on the grid along the axes of power/influence and interest. According to their position on the grid, we can devise the strategies to engage them in a suitable manner.
The power-interest grid enables plotting the stakeholders along the twin aspects of their power or influence along the y-axis and interest in the initiative/project/program along the x-axis. There are three gradients of measure i.e., None/low, some and high along these two axes.
The following are the various possibilities and the corresponding strategies for each of them:
- No interest, and no power - Ignorethem
- Some/high interest, but no power - Keep them informed
- No/some/high interest and some power - Keep them onside
- No interest but high power - Watch them
- Some interest and high power - Keep them satisfied
- High interest and high power - Continuous and active engagement
Understanding the influence of the stakeholders and their interest. helps with the enhanced planning our engagement strategies.
Stake holders
Includes all variants of internal and external stakeholders, but focus is on the initiative/project/program
This technique can be used after identifying the stakeholders and defining their roles at a high level.